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Showing posts with label distance learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label distance learning. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2020



If you follow my blog, you know that I'm passionate about poetry.  I love writing instructional poetry and I love teaching WITH poetry.  Teaching WITH poetry does not mean specifically teaching "poetry," as in figurative language, iambic pentameter, sonnets, etc.  While I do teach those things when appropriate, I use poetry to teach reading skills, science, math, social studies, and a whole lot more.  To that end, I have a line of products called POETRY POSSIBILITIES.

I find it rewarding to take a poem and parse it for all the lessons hiding inside it.  Here's a sample to illustrate what POETRY POSSIBILITIES are all about --

Are you skeptical about teaching math with poems?  Check out this poem from Back to School Poetry Possibilities and its potential math lessons:

Many of the possibilities are completely adaptable to distance learning.

POETRY POSSIBILITIES are well received by teachers.  
I'm confident you'll like them, too!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Distance Learning Pinterest Board

It's about time, teachers, for distance learning.  These historic times have us all scrambling to find teaching material appropriate for our students while they cannot be in our schools.  To help with this, I created a collaborative Pinterest board dedicated to distance learning resources.  

If you would like to join this board, send me an email at: