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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

It's about time, teachers, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

MLK, Jr. Day is Jan. 15.   Do you need resources for it?  Try this one; it's FREE!

This FREE poetry unit provides 3 poems about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Each of the poems in Poetry Possibilities -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Edition has a page of possibilities for teaching. The poetry possibilities are custom designed and include a teaching point related to poetry, as well as activities and skill lessons from multiple disciplines. Topics covered include:

• metaphors
• rhythm
• sensory detail
• meter
• iambic foot

• accented syllables
• unaccented syllables
• capitalization
• punctuation

These poems are copy ready and, thus, may be added to your students' poetry anthologies. The range of reading levels in these poems makes them appropriate for all intermediate classrooms. This unit is CCSS aligned. 

"The time is always right to do the right thing."
                                                            -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Great $1 Word Challenge

This is one of the best teaching challenges I have ever used!  Year after year my students beg to do this and they have a voracious appetite for it.  Such enthusiasm warms my teacher's heart!

So, what is The Great $1 Word Challenge?  The simple answer is it's a quest for words that equal exactly $1 when the letters are valued like this:
Most $1 Word Challenges ask the students to discover words with no parameters; no clues.  How daunting is that?  So, I created clues that will lead students to such words.  Along the way, they practice computation, calculator skills, dictionary & thesaurus skills, parts of speech, vocabulary development, prefixes, suffixes, verb tenses, plurals, spelling, editing, proof-reading, critical thinking, and problem solving.  Talk about BANG FOR YOUR BUCK!  

I'm a visual learner, so I created a series of visuals to explain these awesome challenges.

If your kiddos enjoy them as much as mine do, you will be grabbing more clues as fast as you can.  You may be relieved to know that these clues are available in money saving bundles.

Did you notice that my images failed to include $1 Words 1.0?  That's because I saved the best for last!  The first unit is FREE!

You can try $1 Words before you buy them.

You don't have to take my word for how fun this project is.  Read what your comrades have said:

Head here to find all of the $1 Word products.

Monday, October 30, 2017

It's about time for Veterans' Day, teachers! 

That means it's about time for a poem. And, of course, some activities to go with it.

Here are some teaching possibilities:

This poem and the teaching possibilities are part of Poetry Possibilities: Fall Edition.  There are 25 additional poems.  Each poem is accompanied by a teaching point related to poetry, as well as activities, skill lessons, and poetry writing prompts. All of the activities are custom designed for that poem. Lessons include: 
• Elements of poetry (rhyme, internal rhyme, rhyme scheme, rhythm, figurative language, voice, imagery, form)
• Poetic form (haiku, tanka, acrostic poems, tercet poems, cinquain poetry, 1-2-3 poems, 5 senses poetry, list poems)
• Guided reading lessons (CAP, phonemes, rimes, fluency, expression, grammar)
• Book links
• History
• Math (graphing, patterns)
• Art (visual, performing)

Every poem is copy ready so that you may have your students bind them into an anthology of their own. 

These poems provide a range of reading levels appropriate to both primary and intermediate classrooms. Thus, you can accommodate students reading above or below grade level. 

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Friday, October 27, 2017

Teacher Treats

It's About Time for Hallowe'en, Teachers!

And, this weekend, all the treats are for you!

No tricks; these 5 products are FREE this weekend, 10/27 - 10/29.

I hope you will take a moment to leave TPT feedback.  It benefits you and me.

Friday, September 29, 2017

It's Pumpkin Time!

It's the pumpkin time of year!

So I decided to get in on the fun!  This weekend, 9/29 - 10/1/17, I'm offering my pumpkin resources for FREE!

All of these resources include differentiation so that they are appropriate for all elementary grades.  

I hope you enjoy them.  Please take a moment to leave feedback on TpT.  Thank you.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Kick Off Critical Thinking

It's about time, teachers to kick off your students' critical thinking!

Critical thinking skills are a crucial part of any child's education.  To get your students off on the right foot, try these HINK PINKS & HINKY PINKIES - Foot Edition.

If you have never tried HINK PINKS, et al., you are in for a real treat. These riddles are wonderful for developing vocabulary, synonyms, grammar, and rimes; all worthwhile pursuits. But, even better, HINK PINKS, et al. require your students to analyze data, evaluate their conclusions, and create rhyming word pairs as answers. (Bloom would be so proud!) The very best part, however, is that your kiddos will love them. My students literally beg for more HINK PINKS. I love watching the gears move in their brains. You will, too.

Never give up.  Great things take time.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Is Your Classroom for the Birds?

Is your classroom for the birds?  It might be after you check out these new, How TWEET It Is classroom decor products.

Welcome everybirdie with these blue and green banners. Create the message of your choice, or try one of these:

  • Welcome Everybirdie!
  • Our Flock Rocks!
  • How TWEET It Is to be in ___ Grade
  • We are a Class to TWEET About

This product also includes TWEET, editable birds that you can use to post your students' names or numbers. Use them as part of your welcome, on their lockers or coat hooks, or anywhere you need them.

Word wall headers are provided, along with editable frames for word wall words.
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Classroom Signs provide information and reminders, table signs, bathroom passes, and more.

Two clip charts are provided; Our Travel Plans and Our Birthdays.

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Choose among the 23 classroom rules for those that best apply to your class. 5 bonus rules for the bathroom are supplied, as well. All of the rules are provided in the blue and green color scheme, as well as in gray scale to save your ink.   

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Create a well bee-haved class of TWEET students with How TWEET It Is Bee-havior Clip Chart + Brag Tags. 

Provided are 7 signs for the behavior clip chart and badges for clipping your students’ names or numbers to the chart.

43 brag tags are supplied in color and in gray scale. Editable brag tags are also included.

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You can post your classroom jobs with this product. 17 birdhouses are labeled with students' responsibilities; 10 more are editable. 

24 TWEET birdies are included.  They are editable for you to add student names or numbers.

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Post the alphabet and color posters in TWEET style. The alphabet posters come in 2 styles/sizes.

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These number posters provide representations of cardinal and ordinal numbers.
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Everything you need to create a math word wall is provided in this product: alphabet headers + 243 vocabulary words + editable frames for additional words.

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These posters provide visual reminders of CCSS math concepts in numbers and operations, geometry, and measurement.

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Everything you need for Calendar Math is in this product and the elements will fit in a standard calendar pocket chart. 

Up the ante during calendar time by adding patterns and predictions using combinations of the 5 sets of icons.

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Save money by getting all 10 products in this TWEET bundle.

A little birdie told me that everybirdie's learning with these educational decor items. I don't want to ruffle your feathers by offering a new classroom theme.  But maybe it's about time that you spread your wings and try new things!