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Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2024


  • Do you want to cultivate creativity without adding to your overloaded schedule?
  • Do you want to build constructive home-school connections?
  • Do you want a full year of project assignments that will build right brain thinking?
  • Do you want resources that are print-and-go?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then -

Destination: Imagination via Creative Thinking is perfect for satisfying your goal of building creativity. These products are designed to be completed at home, giving overly eager parents a constructive way to work with their students. (Teachers of gifted students are well acquainted with this problem phenomena.) Sharing their projects with the class gives students the opportunity to speak meaningfully. This product line is designed to be teacher friendly by providing a weekly assignment sheet, award certificates to recognize the creators' efforts, and tips and tricks to ensure success.

Destination: Imagination via Creative Thinking was designed for gifted students to promote the 4 traits of gifted children: fluency, flexibility, elaboration, and originality. But really, what child wouldn't benefit from working on those aspects? I have found the projects work very well with heterogeneous groups and have successfully used it with 1st - 5th graders. But you don't have to take my word for it. Try these FREE samples before you buy the collections:

Each volume of
Destination: Imagination via Creative Thinking supplies projects for a full semester.

Here's a preview of Volume 1:

Sunday, July 16, 2023


  • Are you looking for weekly challenges to your learners' creative thinking? 
  • Would you love it to be a home assignment?
  • Would you be thrilled to get a full year of challenges that are print and go?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you should check out Destination: Imagination via Creative Thinking.

This eclectic collection of activities was created for use in my gifted and talented classrooms. The goal is to promote the 4 traits of gifted childrenfluency, flexibility, elaboration, and originality. But really, what child wouldn't benefit from working on those aspects? I have found these projects works very well with heterogeneous groups and have successfully used them with 1st - 5th graders.

These challenges are also a wonderful home-school connection that directs eager parents to work with their children in a constructive manner. Another benefit is that children learn to share their products with purpose and confidence. 

All of the project assignments are ready to print and send home.  Also included are notes to the teacher to help ensure the success of your students.  These notes are based on years of experience with the challenges.

TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT.   You can get a better sense of what this project offers by checking out this FREE activity that is included in Destination: Imagination via Creative Thinking Vol. 2:


Tuesday, October 11, 2022



It's time for all things pumpkin! Pumpkin spice lattes are my fav, but I also have a weakness for pumpkin bread, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, ... You get the idea. And, it's time for some pumpkin fun in the classroom. Here are some of my favorites:

It's also time for treats! An awesome group of teachers have created a hashtag sale.  

Here are the links to my offerings:

Use #boo2you22 to find terrific $1 deals.  This hashtag sale is from 10/12 - 10/14.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The ABCs of Architecture

It's about time, teachers, for the ABCs of Architecture.   As an enrichment specialist for my district, I work with students in 2nd - 5th grades. The focus is not limited to academics. My fourth graders endowed with artistic talent embarked on an architectural adventure that resulted in a published book. It was an awesome experience for all involved.

Two local groups, the Preservation and Conservation Association (PACA) and the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC), asked me to conduct a project in which elementary students would learn about local, historic buildings.  In the process, they hoped to impress upon the students the value of preservation. They offered to subsidize a field trip for my 4th graders, complete with chaperons from their groups! How could I possibly say, "No?" 

My students began with a study of basic architectural elements, such as lines, shapes, textures, and form. Inspired by Diane Maddex's book, Architects Make Zigzags, Looking at Architecture from A to Z,  we made it our goal to produce an alphabet book about architecture found on historic buildings in our hometown.  

The next step entailed finding an architectural term or terms for each letter of the alphabet.  What followed was a flurry of old fashioned research as my charges constructed an impressive list.  We only had to stretch to find a term for X, settling on railroad crossing.  You may have just done an eye roll, but I was quite proud of my students' reasoning. They learned that our community grew around a railroad crossing for the Illinois Central railroad.

Armed with their alphabetical lists and sketchpads, we embarked on a bus and walking tour of the downtown region.  Can there be anything sweeter to a teacher's ears than the zealous exclamations of 9 & 10 year olds as they recognize a cupola, gargoyle, or keystone?  While our hosts gave us facts and fascinating stories about the buildings on our tour, my students sketched.

Back at school, the 4th grade crew drew pen and ink illustrations of the elements they sketched.  They composed the text explaining their terms and identifying the buildings upon which they were found.  PACA and HPC provided enough funds to allow us to professionally bind several copies of our books.  Those copies can now be found at the city library, our school library, in the offices of PACA and HPC, and in the city building. Each student received a copy fresh off the school's copy machine.  

Following are some excerpts from our book:

And finally, here are some of the comments my students had at the end of this project:

In my opinion, this project was the embodiment of enrichment.  

Until next time...

If you love enrichment, you may be interested in these units:

Monday, April 2, 2012

HOTS or Bloom's Taxonomy

It's about time, teachers, ... to revisit Higher Order Thinking Skills or HOTS.  If you've been a teacher for more than 5 minutes, you must have some knowledge of Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.  Did you know Benjamin is not actually the author of the taxonomy?  It bears his name simply because he chaired the committee that developed it.  So, the next time someone asks you to chair a committee, you may want to say "Yes."

It seems like Bloom's Taxonomy has been around forever.  Actually, it's been around since 1956, which for most of the educators at work today IS forever.  It's been 56 years and it's still going strong.  Although, it has morphed some over the decades.  When 1st proposed, the taxonomy strove to deal with 3 domains of education: cognitive, affective, & psychomotor.  The goal of the 3 domains was to produce holistic education.  Over time, however, the cognitive domain has become the taxonomy we all think of when Bloom's Taxonomy is mentioned.  In fact, each domain was to have it's own handbook, but after publishing the cognitive domain  handbook, it took 8 years for the affective domain handbook to be written and the psychomotor domain handbook was never written!

Too often, I think, the taxonomy is taught and used in educating gifted and talented learners.  That may be a matter of practicality.  The taxonomy is scaffolded; the lower levels must be broad and strong in order for the upper levels to be built. In an age of standardized testing mania, knowledge and comprehension, the foundation levels, are the name of the game. Since those are the most easily evaluated components, performance is naturally based on those levels.  And so, I surmise that only the teachers of G/T have the time to work on the upper levels of the taxonomy since their students, presumably, have the requisite knowledge and understanding.    

Let's not dwell in the basement, teachers!  It takes more work to bring your students to the upper levels of the taxonomy. The payoff, however, is well worth the effort.  Who doesn't want to spend their time in the penthouse rather than the basement?

Following is Bloom's Taxonomy model in 2 versions:

Any student of the taxonomy knows that there are lists of verbs to help us remember how to incorporate each level into our teaching.  While I am a visual learner, perusing those lists tends to make my eyes roll to the back of my head.  So, I created the following visual to expeditiously remind me what each level should look like.

I don't know if Easter eggs brought this to mind or the hatchlings that spring promises us, but I do know that teachers everywhere need to break out of their shells and push their students to work in the higher levels.  Our children deserve to be grade A educated.

Now I'll climb down from my soap box and get back to dyeing eggs.