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Showing posts with label election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


It's about time for the Presidential Election in the U.S.  My favorite way to teach election vocabulary is with ELECTION HINK PINKS, et al.  These word riddles help children learn to problem solve while exercising vocabulary skills (definitions, synonyms, parts of speech, rimes, ...).  These task cards prompt learners to interpret datamake inferencesdraw conclusions, and analyze new information. Here's a sample:

These Hink Pink puzzles are ideal for upper elementary and middle school classes.

You may also like resources about presidents:

These resources focus on the 50 states:

This is a great time for these patriotic products, too:

Friday, November 4, 2022



It's about time, teachers, for Veterans' Day! To honor our veterans, try this poem and the teaching possibilities that accompany it.

These resources are in my FALL POETRY POSSIBILITIES UNIT.

This poetry unit also contains poetry specific to November.  Check it out!

You may also like these resources with a patriotic theme:

It's also about time for elections in the U.S.  You will love these Hink Pinks, et al. made especially for that day.

You can find these 40 task cards here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

It's About Time, Teachers, for the Election!

Have you gathered your resources for teaching about the election?  You may be interested in these:

Election Hink Pinks, et al. task cards are perfect for working on vocabulary associated with elections, presidents, and civics.  The terms can be sophisitcated, suggesting that upper elementary and middle school students are the prime audience.  

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Encourage research with these Presidential Trivia Task Cards.  Your upper elementary students will uncover interesting and fun facts about presidents and the presidency.

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Patriotic Squares are differentiated, critical thinking activities that can be employed in any elementary classroom.  While not specifically related to elections, they are patriotic.  Oh, and they are such a fun way to build up to Sudoku!

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SCRATTLE is a FREE differentiated, math & literacy, learning center activity. As in Scrabble™, students use a set of letters to create words. They then calculate each word’s score using the letter values. Finally, they engage a friend in a battle wherein they compare their scores using >, <, and =.  Like Patriotic Squares, this fun product is patriotic; not specifically related to the election.  Math skills required range from simple addition  to mixed operations. Thus, SCRATTLE can be used in 1st to 6th grades.

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RED, WHITE, & BLUE COMPOUND WORDS literacy center is not election related.  It is patriotic in nature and thus, may be appropriate to primary classrooms during the election season.

All of these resources, except the Election Hink Pinks, et al., are appropriate for any patriotic holiday (Veterans Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Indepence Day) and thus can be used throughout the year(s).

Enjoy the resources and remember to vote!