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Showing posts with label Hinkity Pinkities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hinkity Pinkities. Show all posts

Friday, January 19, 2024



Kiddos learn best when they're having fun and few things are more fun that HINK PINKS, HINKY PINKIES, & HINKITY PINKITIESThese word riddles will exercise a multitude of vocabulary skills (definitions, synonyms, parts of speech, rimes, syllables, ...) while challenging students to problem solve. These task cards prompt your learners to interpret data, make inferences, draw conclusions, and analyze new infomation.

Here's how they work:

    • HINK PINKS are riddles that call for a 2 word answer. The 2 words must each have 1 syllable and they must rhyme. In the above example, the clue, seize pinching shellfish, has the answer grab crab.
    • HINKY PINKIES differ from HINK PINKS in that the answer to the riddle must be 2 words with 2 syllables each. The HINKY PINKY above offers the clue, Pacific wave actions; the answer being ocean motion.
    • As you may have guessed, HINKITY PINKITIES require answer words with 3 syllables. The clue above, enormous ocean can be answered with gigantic Atlantic. 

Intriguing aren't they?

It can take students a while to catch on to this word play. Begin with HINK PINKS and solve several together. Demonstrate your thinking. Offer your learners the use of dictionaries and thesauri (print or digital). Complete as many as a group as necessary until you see the lightbulb go on. Once your pupils have a good command of HINK PINKS, move on to HINKY PINKIESHINKITY PINKITIES are the most challenging, not only because of the vocabulary necessary for the answers, but because the language of the clues is more complex.

Intrigued?  Try this FREE unit, just in time for Groundhog Day:

I'm such a fan of HINK PINKS, et al., that my store offers more than 3 dozen products. There are holiday sets and specially themed sets, such as the OCEANIC HINK PINKS, et al. seen at the top of the page.

The above bundles each contain 4 individual products; the bundles save you 30%.

HINK PINKS, et al., are staples in gifted education, but let me assure you they are great for regular education students, as well. I have used them successfully with 1st graders! Just realize that younger students will need more support.

My HINK PINK, et al. products cover the major holidays and a plethora of special themes.

What if you teach kindergarten or ELL? Then you should try HINK PINKS and HINKY PINKIES for KINDERS. These sets provide visual clues; no reading required.  Check out the FREE set:

If you are new to HINK PINKS, et al., I hope you'll try them.  My students literally beg me to bring these task cards out.

Thursday, July 13, 2023



  • Are you looking for a daily bell-ringer activity?
  • Would you like it to be digital (no printing)?
  • Do you need something your upper elementary learners cannot speed through but must actually use Higher Order Thinking Skills to complete?
Then, it's about time, teachers, that you discover  this FREEBIE!  Available absolutely free on TPT Easel, you can find it here.

If you love it, and I think you will, you can get an entire year of daily, morning, thinking challenges.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023



If you are not familiar with HINK PINKS, you are in for a treat.  They are word riddles that pack a ton of serious learning into a super, fun activity.  The clues to the riddles lead to a 2 word answer.  The solution words must rhyme and each have just one syllable.  Here's an example:

The answer is SWEET TREAT.

The vocabulary skills exercised include definitions, synonyms, parts of speech, rimes, & tenses.  Research skills are involved, too, if you provide dictionaries, thesauri, and their technology versions. At the same time, learners will interpret data, make inferences, draw conclusions, and analyze new information; i.e. work with H.O.T.S. In addition to all these good things, HINK PINKS are so popular among students that you will be amazed.  Mine literally beg to do HINK PINKS every day.

If you are curious about them, check out this free set:

HINK PINKS have been a staple in my teaching for decades.  Hence, my TPT Store offers more than 3 dozen HINK PINK products and their cousins HINKY PINKIES and HINKITY PINKITIES.  I even have HINK PINKS and HINKY PINKIES for Kinders that challenge students to determine the rhyming words based on pictures; no reading required.  Here's the FREE version of those:

You can find HINK PINK units at a 30% savings if you opt for the bundle.

There are also bundles for HINKY PINKIES and HINKITY PINKITIES.

There are combination units for holidays, also bundled for additional savings.

I offer combination units with specific themes, too.

Now is a great time to stock up on HINK PINKS, et al.  There are a few hours left in TPT Site Sale.  But, if you missed it, my store will remain on sale 3/30 & 3/31/23 at 20% savings.  That's 20% off the already reduced bundle prices.  

Monday, February 27, 2023


It's about time for St. Patrick's Day, teachers!  I've got FREEBIES and more ready for your learners.

These Leaping Leprechauns will give your students practice adding 3 numbers within 20.  It is a digital learning product made especially for TPT's Easel platform.


Square Puzzlers are differentiated, making them great for any elementary classroom.  Your students will beg to do them.

Exercise deductive reasoning, inferencing, drawing conclusion, problem solving, sequencing, and computation with Leprechaun Logic.  This product is also exclusive to TPT Easel.

Outwit the Wee Lads is another digital only, TPT Easel product that exercises critical thinking.

The March Edition of Vocabulary Fractions provides print and digital versions of these task cards that challenge learners to find fractional parts of words.  They combine the fractional parts to create March vocabulary.  Challenging, but oh, so fun!

Everyone loves Hink Pinks, et al. and your students will, too.  Tons of ELA skills are disguised as fun word riddles.

St. Patrick's Day and more March topics are addressed in these 11 poems.  Each poem has skill lessons and teaching points custom designed for it.  
Create a fresh bulletin board for March that doubles as a math center, fast finishers' challenge, and/or enrichment activity.  It's differentiated to accommodate K-6th grades. 

Leprechaun Riddles provide practice with multiplication facts in print or digitally.  Kiddos will enjoy the riddles!

Primary students will love these March Tangram Puzzles. 


Mad About March is a thematic unit perfect for primary grades.  

SCRATTLE combines word work with computation.  This product is differentiated to accommodate students with varying math abilities. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2023



Celebrate this fun holiday with 2 resources:

Groundhog Day Hink Pinks, Hinky Pinkies, & Hinkity Pinkities is a super fun freebie!

These word riddles teach students to problem solve while honing vocabulary skills.  This product is available as task cards and digitally on TPT Easel.

SCRATTLE is a differentiated, math and literacy, learning center activity that combines word work with computation; individual effort with competition.

Students make words, as in ScrabbleTM, computing their worth.  Then they engage another learner in a friendly battle to see which child has the most high scores.  SCRABBLE + BATTLE = SCRATTLE.  The word warriors will quickly eschew the easy, low scoring words in order to create more complex and higher scoring words.  Thus, offer your pupils the chance to play several times.  They will love it and you will enjoy seeing the uptick in their efforts.

BTW, I offer 7 SCRATTLE products in my store and all of them have just been updated and refreshed.  So, if you already have some SCRATTLE in your resource library, download the new versions!

I've been refreshing and renewing lots of products lately.  As with SCRATTLE, you can download the new versions for FREE if you already own the previous version. 

HOW TO PLAY SUDOKU is a slideshow that explains and illustrates the terminology, procedures, and strategies for completing sudoku puzzles.  The revisions include all new graphics and compacting the slideshow.

Related to sudoku are my Latin Squares products.  They are great for easing into sudoku and are all freshly redone.

These QUESTION WORDS POSTERS have not only been refreshed with all new graphics, but the product has been expanded.  Even if you don't already own it, you can download it for FREE.

ATTITUDE POSTER is a FREEBIE that has been refreshed with new graphics.