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Showing posts with label rhymes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rhymes. Show all posts

Friday, January 19, 2024



Kiddos learn best when they're having fun and few things are more fun that HINK PINKS, HINKY PINKIES, & HINKITY PINKITIESThese word riddles will exercise a multitude of vocabulary skills (definitions, synonyms, parts of speech, rimes, syllables, ...) while challenging students to problem solve. These task cards prompt your learners to interpret data, make inferences, draw conclusions, and analyze new infomation.

Here's how they work:

    • HINK PINKS are riddles that call for a 2 word answer. The 2 words must each have 1 syllable and they must rhyme. In the above example, the clue, seize pinching shellfish, has the answer grab crab.
    • HINKY PINKIES differ from HINK PINKS in that the answer to the riddle must be 2 words with 2 syllables each. The HINKY PINKY above offers the clue, Pacific wave actions; the answer being ocean motion.
    • As you may have guessed, HINKITY PINKITIES require answer words with 3 syllables. The clue above, enormous ocean can be answered with gigantic Atlantic. 

Intriguing aren't they?

It can take students a while to catch on to this word play. Begin with HINK PINKS and solve several together. Demonstrate your thinking. Offer your learners the use of dictionaries and thesauri (print or digital). Complete as many as a group as necessary until you see the lightbulb go on. Once your pupils have a good command of HINK PINKS, move on to HINKY PINKIESHINKITY PINKITIES are the most challenging, not only because of the vocabulary necessary for the answers, but because the language of the clues is more complex.

Intrigued?  Try this FREE unit, just in time for Groundhog Day:

I'm such a fan of HINK PINKS, et al., that my store offers more than 3 dozen products. There are holiday sets and specially themed sets, such as the OCEANIC HINK PINKS, et al. seen at the top of the page.

The above bundles each contain 4 individual products; the bundles save you 30%.

HINK PINKS, et al., are staples in gifted education, but let me assure you they are great for regular education students, as well. I have used them successfully with 1st graders! Just realize that younger students will need more support.

My HINK PINK, et al. products cover the major holidays and a plethora of special themes.

What if you teach kindergarten or ELL? Then you should try HINK PINKS and HINKY PINKIES for KINDERS. These sets provide visual clues; no reading required.  Check out the FREE set:

If you are new to HINK PINKS, et al., I hope you'll try them.  My students literally beg me to bring these task cards out.

Friday, October 13, 2023



Introducing my learners to Stellaluna, by Janelle Cannon, is one of the things I most look forward to in October. Immersing my class in all things BATS is just so fun. Check out these resources:

Extending the learning for Stellaluna has never been more fun! This thematic unit includes activities for literacy centers, math centers, writing, poetry, & word work.  Also provided are math journal prompts, lots of printable worksheets, and more!

THE BAT CAVE Literacy Center is a word sort to practice rhyming words. Students will move each bat/word card to the bat cave with a rhyming word. This FREE activity exercises onset and rime exchanges with basic C-V-C vocabulary, as well as with irregularly spelled words. THE BAT CAVE is also available in digital form on TPT Easel.

Promote phonemic awareness of initial consonant blends with this bat themed phonics sortBAT BLENDS is available in print and digital versions (TPT Easel).

Students will sort words with the long and short sounds of /a/. This activity is provided in print and digital versions (TPT Easel). 

Tangram puzzles exercise concepts about geometry (transformation, rotation, congruence, symmetry, etc.). This differentiated activity is great for center or individual work in primary grades.

These resources are available in a bundle.  Purchasing the bundle will save you 30%!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023



If you are not familiar with HINK PINKS, you are in for a treat.  They are word riddles that pack a ton of serious learning into a super, fun activity.  The clues to the riddles lead to a 2 word answer.  The solution words must rhyme and each have just one syllable.  Here's an example:

The answer is SWEET TREAT.

The vocabulary skills exercised include definitions, synonyms, parts of speech, rimes, & tenses.  Research skills are involved, too, if you provide dictionaries, thesauri, and their technology versions. At the same time, learners will interpret data, make inferences, draw conclusions, and analyze new information; i.e. work with H.O.T.S. In addition to all these good things, HINK PINKS are so popular among students that you will be amazed.  Mine literally beg to do HINK PINKS every day.

If you are curious about them, check out this free set:

HINK PINKS have been a staple in my teaching for decades.  Hence, my TPT Store offers more than 3 dozen HINK PINK products and their cousins HINKY PINKIES and HINKITY PINKITIES.  I even have HINK PINKS and HINKY PINKIES for Kinders that challenge students to determine the rhyming words based on pictures; no reading required.  Here's the FREE version of those:

You can find HINK PINK units at a 30% savings if you opt for the bundle.

There are also bundles for HINKY PINKIES and HINKITY PINKITIES.

There are combination units for holidays, also bundled for additional savings.

I offer combination units with specific themes, too.

Now is a great time to stock up on HINK PINKS, et al.  There are a few hours left in TPT Site Sale.  But, if you missed it, my store will remain on sale 3/30 & 3/31/23 at 20% savings.  That's 20% off the already reduced bundle prices.  

Sunday, June 10, 2018

What are Hink Pinks?

It's about time, teachers, for Hink Pinks!  If you have ever used Hink Pinks in your teaching, you know how much kiddos love them.  If you are new to Hink Pinks, you are in for a treat!

  • Hink Pinks are word riddles.
  • Hink Pinks are fun word riddles.
  • Hink Pinks are fun word riddles with rhyming answers.
  • Hink Pinks are word play.
  • Hink Pinks are fun word play that expands vocabulary.
  • Hink Pinks are fun word play that expands and extends students' vocabulary.  
  • Hink Pinks are fun critical thinking exercises.
  • Hink Pinks are fun critical thinking exercises that help students learn to interpret data.
  • Hink Pinks are fun critical thinking exercises that help students make inferences.
  • Hink Pinks are fun critical thinking exercises that help students draw conclusions.
  • Hink Pinks are fun critical thinking exercises that teach students to analyze new information.
  • Hink Pinks are serious learning disguised as fun.

  • Read the clues.
  • Think of a 2 word answer.
    • The answer words must rhyme.
    • Each answer word must have just 1 syllable.
For example:
Did you figure it out?  The answer is barn yarn.

  • as a literacy center
    • Place several Hink Pink cards at your literacy center.  Direct your students to work cooperatively or individually; whichever works best for your group.  Encourage research by placing dictionaries and thesauri at the center.
  • as a warm-up activity
    • Settle your group and direct their focus by collaboratively solving several Hink Pinks at the outset of your lesson.  This works particularly well if you are conducting a pull out or push in program.
  • as a sponge activity
    • We all face those awkward few minutes when our lesson ends early and we cannot move on to the next part of our schedule because of time constraints.  Or we arrive early at a special class and must wait patiently for a few minutes.  Carry a few Hink Pink cards with you and use the time to challenge your class.  Any time is a good time for critical thinking!
  • as an anchor activity
    • Engage your students' brains the moment they enter your classroom by posting a few Hink Pink clues each day.  Train your students to work on solving them while you take attendance, lunch count, etc.  Then discuss the answers at your morning meeting.
  • as a fast finishers' challenge
    • The biggest disadvantage to this use is that the children love them so much, they may rush through their work just to get time to solve these riddles.

  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.5 Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. 
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings. 
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
    • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.5c Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites (antonyms) and to words with similar but not identical meanings (synonyms).
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.5.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. 
    • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.5.5c Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to better understand each of the words. 
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. 
    • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.5c Distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions).
You might have already guessed that I have a few Hink Pink products in my store.  If you want to try them before you buy them, several sets are FREE!  


If you like Hink Pinks, I have dozens of them and most have been combined into money saving bundles.  Check them out!