It's about time, teachers to kick off your students' critical thinking!
Critical thinking skills are a crucial part of any child's education. To get your students off on the right foot, try these HINK PINKS & HINKY PINKIES - Foot Edition.
If you have never tried HINK PINKS, et al., you are in for a real treat. These riddles are wonderful for developing vocabulary, synonyms, grammar, and rimes; all worthwhile pursuits. But, even better, HINK PINKS, et al. require your students to analyze data, evaluate their conclusions, and create rhyming word pairs as answers. (Bloom would be so proud!) The very best part, however, is that your kiddos will love them. My students literally beg for more HINK PINKS. I love watching the gears move in their brains. You will, too.
Never give up. Great things take time.
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