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Thursday, May 14, 2020


During this time of sheltering at home, I've used my time to create resources and refresh existing ones.  It's about time to consider your decor needs when schools reopen (hopefully) in the fall.  Many teachers are shying away from the over-the-top, Pinterest-worthy, busy decor and opting for a more subdued style.  In respect for that, I have created a line of products that feature a coordinated navy and coral color scheme.  The products also boast unBEARably cute teddy bear graphics, all from Alice Smith at Clipart4resale.  

Start with a warm welcomeIncluded are:  

• alphabet flags (capital letters only)
• spacer flags (some with bear illustrations)
• ordinal number grade level flags (Kdg – 6th)
• appellation flags (Mr., Mrs., Miss. Ms)
• punctuation flags (comma, period, apostrophe, exclamation point)
• “TO” flag, for WELCOME TO 5th  GRADE
• word wall headers with upper and lower case letters
This product also includes these editable components:
• 10 flags
• 16 fancy frames
• 16 oval frames 
• 20 rectangular frames 

      Displaying your classroom expectations is always a good idea.  This set includes 23 classroom rules and 5 bathroom rules.  Thus, you have plenty of directives from which to choose. 

Use classroom signs to provide information, procedures, and general decor.  The contents are:  

• Travel plans clip chart (dismissal plans)
•  Birthday clip chart
• North, south, east & west direction placards
• 10 table signs
• 2 bathroom passes (boys’ and girls’)
• 2 library passes
• 2 office passes
• 2 nurse passes
• This is a nut free classroom
• A dot is a lot (glue use)
• Fire drill procedures (editable)
• Storm drill procedures (editable)
• 2 name badge masters (editable)

Display these alphabet and color word posters.  Provided are:
• 52 alphabet posters (26 each of 2 sizes/styles)
• 8.5” x 11” portrait posters include the upper and lower case letters, an illustration aligned to that letter, and a word describing the picture.
• 5.5” x 8.5” posters use the same font and illustrations, but do not include the picture label.  They are formatted 2/page, requiring you to cut them apart.
• The vowels are presented in coral, while the consonants are navy.
• 11 color posters 5.5” x 8.5”

These sight word cards are the perfect accompaniment to the word wall headers (found in the welcome product). The complete list of Dolch Sight Words are included, as well as editable cards for vocabulary you wish to add.  The cards are labeled and color coded for each grade level.

Everything you need for daily calendar work is provided in this unit.   

• 4.25” x 11” month placards (12)
• 3.2” x 3.2” days of the week headers (7)
• 3.2” x 3.2” date cards (1-31) in 5 designs (155)
• 3.2” x 3.2” special day cards (24)
• 3.2” x 3.2” editable day cards (6)
• Interactive signs – Today is…, Yesterday was…, Tomorrow will be… (3)
• Day of the week placards for the interactive signs (7)
• Days in School interactive sign (1)
• Number cards (0-9) for the Days in School sign (21)

Coral and navy number posters provide: 

• 21 cardinal number posters (0-20) with visual representations
• numerals
• number words
• tally marks
• ten frames
• 20 ordinal number posters (1st–20th) with visual representations
• numerals
• numeration words
• ten frames

This coral and navy number line supplies:  
• 71 color posters of the numbers 1-120 in landscape orientation
• posters have 2 numbers per page for 1-98; 1 number per page for 99 – 120
• odd numbers are coral; even numbers are navy

Create a math word wall with these elements:
• 26 alphabet headers
• 242 vocabulary word cards
• 12 editable word cards

These 43 Math Concepts posters provide visual reminders of math concepts in numbers and operations, geometry, and measurement. Each poster includes a graphic representation of the concept, as well as a brief, written description.  Add them to your math focus wall.

Hone higher order thinking skills with these classroom quotations posters.  They provide:

• 45 letter size, quotation posters in a coral and navy color scheme
• Quotation Quest task card activity
• 1 direction placard
• 12 task cards
• 1 Quest Grid master

In case you are as in love with this décor as I am, you can score all 11 products in this economical bundle.

Stay safe and healthy!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Distance Learning Pinterest Board

It's about time, teachers, for distance learning.  These historic times have us all scrambling to find teaching material appropriate for our students while they cannot be in our schools.  To help with this, I created a collaborative Pinterest board dedicated to distance learning resources.  

If you would like to join this board, send me an email at:

Monday, March 9, 2020

It's about time, teachers, to snag your March freebies!

  • syllables
  • vocabulary
  • rhyming
  • critical thinking
  • brain exercise
  • differentiated
  • kiddos beg to do them

CREATIVE THINKING PROJECTS St. Patrick's Day Activity GATE HOTS Enrichment
  • creative thinking
  • holiday fun
  • fluency
  • flexibility
  • enrichment
  • gifted/talented

HOLIDAY MATH and LITERACY CENTER St. Patrick's Day SCRATTLE Differentiated

  • word work
  • verbal fluency
  • differentiated computation
    • addition
    • multiplication
    • mixed operations
  • individual effort
  • competition

You may also like:

CRITICAL THINKING PUZZLES St. Patrick's Day Brain Teasers Differentiation GATEPOETRY UNIT March Activities Poetry Elements Poetry Forms Writing

TANGRAMS TANGRAM PUZZLES MARCH St. Patrick's Day Math Center Critical ThinkingMARCH THEMATIC UNIT March Activities Math Literacy Critical Thinking

MATH COMPUTATION TASK CARDS: St. Patrick's Day Riddles, Multiplication

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


It's about time, teachers, for compound words!

COMPOUND WORDS LITERACY CENTER Wild West Theme Compound Words Activities

Check out this adorable literacy center that celebrates compound words COWBOY STYLE!  All of the words are related to cowboys to delight your little cowpokes.

This literacy center is self-correcting.  Just flip the pairs over to reveal a cowboy picture.  Your little buckaroos will shout, "YEE-HAW!"

You may also like:
TANGRAMS TANGRAM PUZZLES Math Center Critical Thinking Western ThemeNUMBER SENSE: Numbers to 20, Number Sense Activity, Math Center, Subitizing       CRITICAL THINKING PUZZLES Cowboys Activity Brain Teasers Differentiation GATE   

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


It's about time, teachers, for some more February FREEBIES!

HOLIDAY MATH and LITERACY CENTER Patriotic Days SCRATTLE DifferentiatedSCRATTLE: Patriotic Edition is differentiated, making it appropriate for all grades 1-5.  Students make words from a collection of letters, then compute the value using addition, multiplication, or mixed operations.  There is a recording sheet for each of the named computation requirements.  Next they engage a friend in a Scrattle Battle, comparing their word values as =, >, or <.  The word warrior with the most >s wins!  Stand back and watch your learners quickly eschew those 3 and 4 letter words for longer ones.

February is Dental Health Month, so attend to that with this FREE product.  It includes a song, class graphing, lost tooth bags, a word find, scrambled sentences, tooth idioms, and tooth problems math.

LEAP YEAR ACTIVITIES Literacy Math Creative and Critical Thinking
It's Leap Year and your students will leap for joy with this free unit.  Included are word work, verbal fluency exercises, and math challenges.

February is fabulous and filled with freebies from my store.  Enjoy!

Monday, February 3, 2020

It's about time, teachers!

It's about time for a TPT Site Sale!
  • Feb. 4 & 5
  • Save 25% with promo code FEBSALE
  • Everything in my store is on sale; even bundles! 
  • My store is on sale through Feb. 7!!

It's about time to save on everything on your wish list.

It's about time to stock up on time-saving products that will make your life easier.

It's about time to check out all of the great, critical thinking products I love creating.  Examples:

CRITICAL THINKING PUZZLES Valentine's Day Brain Teasers Differentiation GATE  CRITICAL THINKING BUNDLE Triads 1.0 Literacy Centers Vocabulary Task Cards  HOMOPHONE TASK CARDS Hairy Harry's Critical Thinking Grammar Vocabulary

It's about time to take advantage of this opportunity to grab gifted education resources based on my many years of teaching gifted/talented/enrichment.  Examples:

ONE DOLLAR WORDS BUNDLE I Critical Thinking Challenge Math ELA Research GATE  HINKY PINKY BUNDLE Critical Thinking Vocabulary GATE Enrichment Synonyms  CREATIVE THINKING PROJECTS Destination Imagination via Creative Thinking Vol I

It's about time you discovered the Poetry Possibilities that reflect my passion for all things poetry and using poetry to teach myriad subject matter.  Examples:

POETRY UNIT Black History Month Activities Poetry Form Poetry Elements Writing  POETRY UNIT February Poetry Activities Poetry Forms Poetry Elements Writing  POETRY UNIT March Activities Poetry Elements Poetry Forms Writing

It's about time you found the emergent readers that provide teaching practices based on my years in Reading Recovery (TM).  Examples:

EMERGENT READER Forest Animals High Frequency Words Reading Skills  SPRING EMERGENT READER BUNDLE High Frequency Words Predictable Text  Word Work:  A guide for teachers of young children

It's about time you treated yourself to the materials that will preserve your precious time with family and friends.

Monday, January 27, 2020


It's about time for a hashtag sale on TpT!

Check out all the great values on TPT at the hashtag sale: #CNY2020

Here are the links to my sale products: