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Sunday, April 24, 2022


Check out these MONSTER deals on MONSTER products:


These deals are in effect through Friday, 4/29/22.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Thursday, April 7, 2022



It's about time, teachers, for National Poetry Month.  So let's create some poetry! 

A fun project for poetry month is to create a collage of spring things.  (It's also a good way to use up construction paper scraps.)

Once the collage is completed, invite your lower grade poets to make a 5 senses poem.  Provide a formula for the poem:

    I see ____________________________

    I hear ___________________________

    I smell __________________________

    I feel ____________________________

    I taste ___________________________

Attach the poems to the collages and display them for the world to enjoy.

Older students could write triplets, quatrains, haikus, acrostics, ... really any form of poetry you'd like. 

If you would like help with types of poetry, you may like this set of Poetry Posters --

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Tuesday, April 5, 2022



April is National Poetry Month, so let's explore some poetry.  What better way to explore than on an African Safari?  Join me on this POETRY SAFARI...

Load your primary students onto the jeep and discover 9 poetic forms: couplets, triplets, alliteration, acrostic, shape poems, ode, collaborative, limerick, and number poems.

There is a map to guide you ...

... and assignment sheets.

This journey will also allow your explorers to learn more about Africa as they complete the poetry assignments.

See you on safari!

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Monday, April 4, 2022



HOP over to my store on TPT.  You will find eggs-traordinary savings on my entire inventory; even bundles! 

It's about time, teachers!  So don't delay.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

EGGS-tra! EGGS-tra! EGG-citing Spring Resources for the Classroom!


I'm egg-cited to share these egg-cellent resources with you! They are eggs-actly what you need for spring.

First up is this MADE-for-EASEL Magic Squares activity. It provides critical thinking disguised as fun, and throws in a lot of computation for good measure. Available digitally on TPT Easel, no print product is provided.

Give your little bunnies some eggs-tra math practice with EGG EQUATIONS and EASTER RIDDLES. 

The Easter Riddles are also offered digitally on TPT Easel.

SPRING MATH CENTERS have an eggs-tra literacy center included. (The carrot racers are egg-ceptionally cute.)

This product is also available for digital learning on TPT Easel.

VOCABULARY FRACTIONS and EGGS SQUARE PUZZLERS are so much fun that my students literally b-egg to do them. I'll bet yours will, too!

VOCABULARY FRACTIONS are also available on TPT Easel. 

SCRATTLE: SPRING EDITION is an eggs-traordinary product that combines word work and computation. It is easily differentiated for every elementary grade level. Even better,


After you introduce the Scrattle Battle, you will be amazed at the sudden interest in creating more complex words and you will marvel at how much your learners want to do this activity!

And, here's another egg-cellent  FREEBIE -