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Tuesday, September 21, 2021



Fresh from the farmers' fields, pumpkins are logical symbols of this time of year. Pumpkin logic puzzles are refreshing challenges for your learners. 

Use these PUMPKIN SQUARES to see your students' problem solving skills in action. Also known as Latin Squares, PUMPKIN SQUARES exercise deductive reasoning. A great challenge for gifted and enrichment students, they are differentiated, and thus, every elementary student can enjoy success.

The task is to place the pumpkins in the squares so that no color is repeated in any row or column. Students can find multiple solutions to each puzzle, which extends the challenge. The 4x4 puzzle has 576 possible solutions! Pumpkin Squares are the logical prelude to Sudoku.

Create a critical thinking center with PUMPKIN SQUARES or use them to challenge fast finishers. They are now available on TPT's Easel platform so you can even apply them to distance learning. However you employ them, your kiddos will love them!

Check out the Latin Squares shop in my TPT store.

Monday, September 20, 2021



Pumpkins are great for pies and lattes and fall decor.  They are also great for learning.

Let me reiterate that I LOVE combined disciplines in teaching activities. VOCABULARY FRACTION TASK CARDS  accomplish just that.

Here's how they work:

HALLOWEEN VOCABULARY FRACTION TASK CARDS are ideal for working with content vocabulary and fractions. They work well in centers, for enrichment, and for "calculating the room."

My students cannot get enough of these challenging task cards.  As one said, "They hurt my brain, but I love them."

If your learners adore them as much as mine do, you can find many more sets to satisfy them here.

Sunday, September 19, 2021



It's that pumpkin time of year. My favorite!

During this time, I love to fill my classroom with pumpkin activities. I also love to combine disciplines whenever possible. Thus, I challenge my students to combine word work with computation by engaging them in SCRATTLE.

SCRATTLE is a center, small group, or individual activity that my learners adore. Like Scrabble (TM), students create words from a set of letters. They then calculate the value of their words. But that's not all. I encourage friendly competition by inviting them to have a SCRATTLE BATTLE with a friend(s).


There are so many positives to this activity:

  1. Open ended word work
  2. Computation practice
  3. Differentiation - use the recording sheet that best fits your students' math abilities
  4. Efficient use of time
  5. Can be used multiple times with increasing enthusiasm
  6. Competition spurs students to create more complex words
  7. This activity is FREE!!!

Try it! You'll like it!

If your students love SCRATTLE, as I'm sure they will, I have a SCRATTLE shop in my TPT store. All SCRATTLE products are FREE!

Saturday, September 18, 2021



Pumpkin season is just the best! From pumpkin spice lattes to carving Jack-o'-lanterns, it's a special time of year.

In the classroom, my favorite project is challenging my learners to create Jack-o'-lanterns, but I have one caveat:

That's right, no pumpkins.  Their creations can be made from literally anything else.  The results are always amazing.

Alternate foods and gourds are perennial favorites.

But, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Look at the variety of materials students have used - 

Conduct this activity as a home project. This provides a wonderful opportunity for parents to be involved in cultivating their children's creativity.

Give your students one week to create their Jazzy Jack-o'-lanterns.  Encourage them to bring their creations in on the designated date. Consider putting them on display for the entire school to enjoy.

I have used this project successfully with all elementary grades. 

Read more about this project in my FREE product:

If you enjoy this project, you may like these products from the Destination Imagination via Creative Thinking collection in my TPT store.

Friday, September 17, 2021


It's about time for some teacher humor...

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.  Laugh out loud.  It will feel good.